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Information Regarding Treatment Methods for Mucositis


There are various ways in which a person can contract mucositis. However, it stands out as one of the most common side effects that are witnessed in patients undergoing cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation have been attributed to placing a person at a higher risk of contracting mucositis. If a cancer patient is diagnosed with mucositis, treatment should begin early enough as it can lead to suspension of chemotherapy sessions so as to give it some time to heal. Properly managed mucositis makes the patient lead a perfect life without any wounds or inflammations in the mouth.


Since mucositis largely affects the mouth and the esophagus, the first natural treatment method that a patient can rely on is ensuring good oral hygiene. However, doctors have never attributed mucositis to bad oral hygiene, but they argue that it prevents fast healing even with the right treatment. Oral hygiene does not necessarily involve intricate exercises such as visiting the dentist every now and then, but requires a good routine of brushing the teeth after every meal. It is recommended that people brush their teeth before bed as this minimizes the chances of bacteria build-up during sleep. The right toothbrush for use should have soft bristles that do not harm the mucosa.


Chapped lips are uncomfortable, and they are more vulnerable to damage and infections. However, we are quick to avoid this through the use of lip balm. While comparing mucositis to lip chapping, we should match the role of water that of the lip balm. When you are hydrated, your body produces saliva that keeps your mouth moist at all times and this prevents mucositis. Ice chips can come in handy during chemotherapy as they can keep your mouth moist all through. Oral lubrication can also be achieved through the act of chewing candy that is sugar-free as much of it ruins the condition of the mucosal stress.


Another way to Prevent and Manage Mucositis is by using natural rinse to treat the symptoms. Table salt is mixed with water to make a good rinse solution that can bring about a number of benefits. Desirable results are attained when a person who is preventing or managing mucositis swishes the solution for a ten seconds period before spitting it out. While there are other rinsing solutions that can be used, people can purchase and use baking soda as it is recommended for its healing properties.


Having mentioned a few of the natural treatment methods for mucositis, people should utilize them and look for additional ones that are effective. All the same, a person should not ignore the doctor's advice.

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